Give Your Gift of Money for DC Peace Team
Help Bring a Peace Agent to Washington, DC
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
DC Peace Team and Peace Through Action to Collaborate
Washington DC Neighbors at Risk of Violence
There are neighborhoods within Washington, District of Columbia in which their residents and small business owners bear a disproportionate weight of violent crimes and lesser aggressions compared to other city neighborhoods. Community and interpersonal violence in these neighborhoods are a steady and persistent condition, with episodic surges. This is one of those times. And clearly, these times call for more action by more people.
DC Peace Team Responds
Formed by a group of concerned community members, DC Peace Team learns the needs of communities and empowers ordinary civilians to increasingly serve their communities particularly as nonviolent peacekeepers, and by extension as peacemakers and peacebuilders. In practical terms, DC Peace Team amplifies community wisdom and mobilizes community members with subject expertise to teach their neighbors peaceful practices like bystander intervention, nonviolent communication, unarmed civilian protection, and restorative justice processes.
The DC Peace Team is operated entirely by volunteers. The team has not been able to reach its full potential due to this staffing shortage. In particular, the DC Peace Team has not been able to offer many of its trainings and other peaceful practice supports to the very District of Columbia neighborhoods most lacking in peace.
Enter Peace Through Action USA
DC Peace Team has invited Peace Through Action USA, a national group, to help address this situation by assigning a compensated national service participant to the team. The peace agent will help the team increase the scale of its nonviolent skills building activities and expand its reach to neighborhoods in the city with the greatest need for additional nonviolent alternatives to engage conflict. Learn more about our plans here.
Give a Gift of Money for a Peace Agent for Washington, DC
DC Peace Team and Peace Through Action USA invite residents of the metropolitan Washington DC area, local and small businesses, service clubs, religious congregations, community and family foundations, and others to give gifts of money so that we may secure and pay a servant leader to dedicate effort to Washington, DC. Please give generously, here online or by sending a check to Peace Through Action USA, PO Box 73466, Washington DC 20056-3466.
DC Peace Team cultivates the virtue of nonviolent peacemaking and key corresponding practices. DC Peace Team empowers ordinary civilians to increasingly serve their communities particularly as nonviolent peacekeepers, and by extension as peacemakers and peacebuilders.
Peace Through Action USA activates and equips Americans to implement practical peaceful solutions to aggression and violence in their communities and our country. |
@PeaceActUSA | #PeaceBeginsWithWe
© 2019 Peace Through Action USA | EIN 47-5665023