Join Our Peace Work in Calvert County
Calvert County in Transition
Calvert County in southern Maryland continues to experience demographic and cultural shifts that have not been without consequence. Tensions between subgroups of the population, such as longer-term and newer residents, have surfaced and are deeply felt. Certainly not to be overlooked are the inequities experienced by the county’s African American residents and which can be traced back to the county’s participation in slavery, but also to the attitudes of White residents who have moved into the county from suburban areas.
Calvert Community Members Respond
In 2015 leaders of several churches and community organizations concluded that time had arrived to address squarely the deep hurts and divisions of too many Calvert County residents. They started #OurCommonCalvert to bring community members together for learning, dialogue, and organizing action. This initiative, while successful, ended in 2020 due to leadership transition and the coronavirus pandemic.
Enter Broadview Church and Peace Through Action
Broadview Church, one of #OurCommonCalvert’s leading member organizations, seeks to continue and expand the work of #OCC. They have invited Peace Through Action USA to join them in organizing and delivering a successor initiative, the Calvert Peace Project.
The Calvert Peace Project seeks to increase understanding, cooperation, and community among youth and adults in Calvert County, Maryland by providing civic and social engagement activities with a focus on peace.
Peace Through Action has hired a peace agent to manage the project. The peace agent is planning programs, activities, and events, promoting the project, and identifying individuals and entities who would be interested in participating in activities or serving on the advisory group.
Give a Gift of Money for Peace Work in Calvert County
Broadview Church and Peace Through Action USA invite residents of Calvert County and the southern Maryland area, local businesses, service clubs, religious congregations, community and family foundations, and others to give gifts of money so that we may make Calvert Peace Project activities and events the best they can be. Please give generously, here online or by sending a check to Peace Through Action USA, PO Box 73466, Washington DC 20056-3466.
Broadview Church has the mission to grow deeper and broader in our spiritual lives while partnering to meet needs in our community.
Peace Through Action USA activates and equips Americans to implement practical peaceful solutions to aggression and violence in their communities and our country.
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